Who We Are

Below are the currently-active volunteer members of the Friends of Salter Grove, listed alphabetically.

Peter Becker (coordinator) — Peter has a doctorate in Biological Sciences from the University of Michigan. He lived overseas in Latin America and Southeast Asia for two decades, and worked as a researcher in tropical forest ecology and a university professor. On returning to the States, he promoted sustainable forestry in Missouri as research coordinator for the Eastern Ozarks Forestry Council and a consultant for forest carbon projects. Since moving to Rhode Island in 2012, he teaches English to adult immigrants, assists at a free clinic, and promotes live jazz performed by local musicians.

Peter applies his analytical and organizational skills as coordinator of FoSG. His top priority is to make the causeway safe for the many fishermen and nature lovers who enjoy the breakwater. In this effort, he is personally grateful to Rep. Joseph McNamara, who shares his desire to promote family outdoor recreation. Looking further down the road, he can’t wait to see the Grove rehabilitated so that it once again becomes a beloved neighborhood feature.

Matt Dickinson (landscape architect) — Matt is a landscape designer with diverse experience in residential design—build, planning and horticulture. He holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design and is a RI Certified Horticulturist and CRMC Invasive Plant Manager. As a resident of Warwick and parent, Matt feels Salter Grove is on the cusp of providing valuable opportunities for recreation, relaxation and learning. He hopes by raising awareness and supporting the park’s potential, it will be a significant resource for the community.

Andy Lohmeier (cleanup leader) — Andy came to know Salter Gove from volunteering with Save the Bay cleanups. He is now one of several leaders who help to tidy the park and remove refuse from the woods and along the shorelines. Andy lives across the Pawtuxet Bridge in Edgewood. Together with his wife he has raised two daughters. After relying on public parks and hiking trails for recreation, he wants to nurture these resources for other families. Andy works as a marketing director at an investment company. He has a doctorate and has taught modern European history at the college level.

Jason Major (communication and design) — Jason is a freelance graphic designer who lives and works in Warwick near Salter Grove. A hobbyist nature and bird photographer, Jason enjoys visiting local parks like Salter Grove to photograph both native and migratory bird species throughout the year. He would love to see this special place along the upper Bay receive the care and consideration by the local community that it deserves.

A graduate of Rhode Island College with a Fine Arts degree, Jason likes to communicate his enthusiasm with the public and has set up this blog as well as the FoSG Facebook and Twitter pages to share news. You can also see some of Jason’s photography here.

Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (popular advocate) — Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D) represents District 19 in Warwick and Cranston. First elected in November 1994, Joe is the chairman of the Health, Education and Welfare Committee, and has received numerous awards for his health advocacy. Joe is a retired educator with a M.Ed. from Providence College. He has numerous affiliations with service, cultural, scouting, and environmental groups.

Joe has been a resourceful advocate for repair of the Salter Grove causeway, and he has politically facilitated FoSG’s other efforts. As a Gaspee resident, Joe wants Salter Grove to be a great and safe place for family outings.

Carl Schulz (Parent, STEM Education) – Carl works as a manager/coordinator for children’s STEM classes and summer camps. He has lived in Warwick since 2018 with his family. In his free time*, Carl likes to draw and play Dungeons & Dragons. 

Carl loves taking his kids to Salter Grove. It provides a great place to play and interact with nature on the various trails.

*As he has two young children, “free time” is largely a theoretical concept at this time. If anyone knows how to get a 4-year-old to sleep at night he is open to suggestions.

Marina Wong (education outreach) — Marina worked as a tropical biologist in Southeast Asia and Central and South America for over 20 years. She received her doctorate from the University of Michigan for research on Malaysian rainforest birds. While Curator of Natural History at the Brunei National Museum, she supervised the development of a national park, and worked extensively with indigenous groups. After returning to the states, her interest in languages led to the radically different second career of teaching Spanish to high school students. Now she tutors GED students in English and math at an adult learning center and is a Spanish interpreter at a free clinic.

Marina is amazed that a place like Salter Grove exists just a short walk from where she lives. She sees its great potential for environmental education and wants to develop activities that illustrate the scientific topics covered in local classrooms. She also hopes to work with area scouts to enhance and maintain the existing trail system.  

Want to join the FoSG team? Click here to find out how.